La Nuit des princes charmants or the fairy tale parody


  • Esther Gabiola Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Bilbao.
Keywords: Michel Tremblay, homosexuality, parody, fairy tale, music


La Nuit des princes charmants, by Michel Tremblay showcases a gay initiation story: a young man’s trip into the Montreal night after his first visit to the opera, looking to lose his virginity. The text is structured as a parody of traditional fairy tales, where the characters, mainly the one of the prince, are transferred to a night, urban, camp and gay setting and wherein the hero -in quest of his prince- must overcome several obstacles to attain his goal. Demystifying humour has a relevant position in this reversal of codes, while music provides the organising frame of the novel, in opposition to the silence of the hero not coming out during the final face-to-face with his mother.


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Laffont-Bonpiani. 1999. Dictionnaire des personnages. Paris, Robert Laffont.

Lourcelles, Jacques. 1992. Dictionnaire du cinéma. Les films. Paris, Robert Laffont.

Philibert, Myriam. 1998. Dictionnaire des Mythologies. Paris, Maxi-Livres-Profrance.

Piccione, Marie-Lyne. 1999. Michel Tremblay, l’enfant multiple. Talence, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.

Rosenthal, Harold et Warrack, John (édition française Mancini, Ronald et Rouveroux, Jean-Jacques). 1995. Guide de l’opéra. Paris, Fayard.

Tremblay, Michel. 1995. La Nuit des princes charmants. Montréal-Paris, Leméac/Actes Sud.

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How to Cite
Gabiola, E. (2018). La Nuit des princes charmants or the fairy tale parody. Anales de Filología Francesa, 26.