The transposition of Dante and Beatrice into the underworld of the Drancy camp through the anus of Daniel Zimmermann


  • José Luis Arráez Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: Zimmermann, L’Anus du monde, Dante, Vita Nova, Holocaust


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the intertextuality of Dante Alighieri’s Vita nova in Daniel Zimmermann’s L’Anus du monde. This fictional account of the Holocaust depicts François Katz, a Jewish university student who is an atheist and a deported bourgeois. As a result of his deportation experience, which we interpret as a journey of initiation, Alighieri and his work, are considered by Katz as a human and literary reference. Following this perspective, we will show the transfiguration of Dante and of Béatrice in François and Myriam, which will help explain the psychological transposition of the bourgeois courting mirrored by Zimmermann in the concentration camp environment. Furthermore, we have focused our attention on the intertextual presence of Cantique des cantiques and of Talmud. This transtextual approach will allow us to explain the stylistic choice of the novelist whose intention is to avoid any type of parodic interpretation of historical referents.


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How to Cite
Arráez, J. L. (2018). The transposition of Dante and Beatrice into the underworld of the Drancy camp through the anus of Daniel Zimmermann. Anales de Filología Francesa, 26.