This article is based on the anticipation of a triple underlying principle, the union between phraseology, expressivity, culture and interculturality, and the necessity of an impact on the teaching of foreign languages. Therefore, we have examined the exp


  • María Navarro Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Phraseodidactics, communicative language competence, intercultural competence, idioms, cultural diversity


This article is based on the anticipation of a triple underlying principle, the union between phraseology, expressivity, culture and interculturality, and the necessity of an impact on the teaching of foreign languages. Therefore, we have examined the experts opinions on the importance of teaching/learning phraseology, to determine when and why its learning is necessary, as well as on cultural diversity as an enriching element, both socially and interculturally. Finally, we present a didactic proposal that aims to contribute to the process of teaching/learning phraseology in French foreign language classroom by reaching out to the phraseology of the mother tongue, for raising phraseology consciousness, and introducing some French idioms. All this, taking into account the cultural diversity that may exist in the classroom and its equivalents idioms, in order to develop both, the communicative language competence and the intercultural competence.


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How to Cite
Navarro, M. (2018). This article is based on the anticipation of a triple underlying principle, the union between phraseology, expressivity, culture and interculturality, and the necessity of an impact on the teaching of foreign languages. Therefore, we have examined the exp. Anales de Filología Francesa, 26.