The poetic stakes in Nadia Tuéni’s short story


  • Carmen Boustani École doctorale. Université libanaise
Keywords: Poétique, amour, femme, eau, mythique, mort



The short stories by Nadia Tuéni oscillate between everyday incidents rooted in lived experiences and a magical reality attributed to the anecdote. As a brief form, the aesthetics of Tuéni’s short stories lie in their condensed nature, bringing them closer to the form of a poem. The analysis of the short stories in this article draws inspiration from discourse analysis and enunciation theories that highlight the presence of femininity structuring the combined expressive and aesthetic processes. Our selection is based on three short stories by Tuéni in La prose œuvre complete (The Prose complete work), posthumous publications: “Le prétexte” (The Pretext), “du blanc anthropophage” (Of the Anthropophagous White), and “Le temps des odalisques courbes” (The Time of Curved Odalisques). Although distinct, these stories intersect through the geography of places and the relationships between man/woman or woman/water.



Poetic; woman; water, mythical, death, love


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How to Cite
Boustani, C. (2023). The poetic stakes in Nadia Tuéni’s short story. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.