Tout ce qui n’est pas dit par Madeleine Bourdouxhe. L’affirmation féminine de Sept Nouvelles à travers le silence


  • Jorge Alcón Borrega
Keywords: Madeleine Bourdouxhe, Nouvelle, Littérature belge francophone, Identité féminine, Silence


After several years in the background, the work of Madeleine Bourdouxhe (1906-1996) has been rediscovered, and critics have found in her stories a message of feminine identity affirmation, ahead of her time. Sept nouvelles brings together some of the short novels written by the author during her lifetime, presenting different women, contemporary to the author, who suffer from the lack of identity to which they are subjected by society and that forces them to be conditioned by their husbands.

Through these stories, the writer expresses the need of women in the mid-20th century to achieve their own identity. However, this message is not explicitly presented in the short novels but it is developed through different literary and linguistic resources that will succeed in conveying to the reader the emptiness felt by her characters. The brief interventions of the women, their characteristics and, mostly, their silences will form the focus of our analysis.


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11-12-2023 — Updated on 07-01-2024
How to Cite
Alcón Borrega, J. (2024). Tout ce qui n’est pas dit par Madeleine Bourdouxhe. L’affirmation féminine de Sept Nouvelles à travers le silence. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.