The French advertising poster. From icon to symbol.


  • Marcin Skibicki Universite Nicolas Copernic Torun
Keywords: Affiche française, Art Déco, publicité, sémiotique


The aim of this article is to analyse the functioning of the phenomenon of brevity in visual language used for advertising purposes and also to explore this phenomenon as a visual element with a persuasive vocation that, despite its seemingly insignificant nature, enhances the final effect.

To this end, it is necessary to analyse posters designed at the beginning of the twentieth century, by Cappiello, Carlu, Loupot, Cassandre, in their transition from iconicity, whose narrative character prevailed in compositions created as recently as the first decade of the twentieth century, to the use of a symbol whose brevity is symptomatic of later compositions. However, a reflective look at several decades before the birth of the art deco poster seems justified, since, as we will show, the interest in the simplified formal language of the poster does not date from the 1920s to the 1930s.

The second line of research will focus on the iconic language / plastic language relationship, in which the aspect of emphasising the conciseness of the sign is of particular interest.


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How to Cite
Skibicki, M. (2023). The French advertising poster. From icon to symbol. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.
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