Philippe Claudel's Fantaisie allemande: short stories in the footsteps of Jean Giono's Chroniques


Keywords: Philippe Claudel, Jean Giono, Chroniques, relato corto, escritura fragmentaria


In our article we will return to the work of Philippe Claudel, the contemporary French writer and filmmaker, focusing here on a collection of short stories, published in 2020 under the name Fantaisie allemande. In these short texts, Claudel revisits recurring themes in his own work, such as his ambivalent relationship with Germany as a native of Lorraine, a French border province, and the consequences of the Second World War on the relationships between the two countries. We will also focus on another aspect that we thought was of interest in these stories, namely the possible imprint of Jean Giono, a French writer admired by Claudel. In fact, we will point out in the configuration of Claudel's texts several characteristics of Giono's Chroniques, which belong to the post-war period, and we will try here to highlight their presence in the writing of Claudel's Fantaisie allemande.


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Author Biography

Dominique Bonnet, Universidad de Huelva (CIPHCN)

1990-1999: Departamento de Filología Francesa UGR. 1999-Actualidad: Departamento de Filologías Integradas UHU. Profesor Colaborador


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How to Cite
Bonnet, D. (2023). Philippe Claudel’s Fantaisie allemande: short stories in the footsteps of Jean Giono’s Chroniques . Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.