Elles disent by Léonora Miano: a melopoeia of quotes or how to create something small with something brief


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.571921
Keywords: Léonora Miano, Citations, intertextualité, polyphonie, essai


In her book Elles disent (2021) Léonora Miano builds a brief fifty-page “piece vocal” using quotes borrowed from women from all the continents and “professions”. The quote, which is the most canonical form of intertextuality, involves a previous task of reading and cutting that, in this work, reveals the female literary and musical heritage of the author and it also has several functions, which are described by Maingueneau. However, since Miano disappears from her text, she diverts the quotes and thus refutes the notions of auctoritas and truth. Her work of assemblage and “transplant”, inspired by jazz and negro spiritual, allows her to create a feminine melopoeia that polyphonically takes up recurring themes in her works and questions Western knowledge. For Miano, all writing is political and this decolonial exquisite corpse of citations - marked by the hybridity which it claims - is no exception to the norm. With these brief texts, she creates an original small monster-essay through which she tries to create another language for women.


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How to Cite
Mallart Brussosa, M. (2023). Elles disent by Léonora Miano: a melopoeia of quotes or how to create something small with something brief . Anales de Filología Francesa, 31. https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.571921