Brièveté et complétude textuelle


  • Julien Borderieux
Keywords: linguistique pragmatique, cohérence textuelle, Grice, pragmatic linguistics, textual coherence, lingüística pragmática, cierre textual

Supporting Agencies

  • Université d'Orléans
  • Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique
  • Polytech Orléans


The article examines the links between the brevity of a text and textual coherence in pragmatic linguistics. The objective is to determine whether a text can be considered brief when it has integrated all the elements expected by the reader. The notion of contribution (Grice, 1989), characterized by its opening and closure, allows defining a short text as composed of an exhaustive number of contributions. The study focuses on patent texts, which are highly structured and controlled professional written discourses. They serve as a model of concise form resulting from a set of clearly defined contributions. It will be suggested that a completed text should not be classified as short or long but rather as constituted or not constituted by all the expected parts.


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How to Cite
Borderieux, J. (2023). Brièveté et complétude textuelle. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.
Le petit et le bref dans les domaines linguistique et traductologique. Ses implications didactiques dans les nouvelles technologies