Imagen y narración: las escenas hopperianas de Claude Esteban


Keywords: Transposition, Art criticism, Reading, Re-creation, Poetic prose


Poet, translator and art critic, Claude Esteban has devoted an important part of his literary work to the transposition into poetry of painting by his admired artists. But when it comes to Edward Hopper's paintings, he feels unable to transform into a poem the disturbing depth of these realistic scenes and it is to prose that he resorts to translate into words the effect that the contemplation of these paintings produces on the viewer. In  Soleil dans une pièce vide  (1991), the writer combines description, narration, reflection and interpretation in an exercise in prose critical poetry that succeeds in reproducing in a series of short stories the singularity and deep meaning of Hopper's painting.


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BRUEL, Xavier. 2010. “Par-delà la distance” in Europe nº 971, 3-7.

BRUEL, Xavier et al. 2014. Le Travail du visible. Claude Esteban et les arts plastiques. Paris, Hermann.

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ESTEBAN, Claude. 1991. Soleil dans une pièce vide. Paris, Flammarion.

ESTEBAN, Claude. 2004. “Entretien avec Laure Holms et Benoît Conort” in Le Nouveau Recueil nº 71, 156-169. <> [13/03/2023]

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WILLIAMS, Adelia W. 1998. “Poésie critique as “Poetics of Space”: Edward Hopper and Claude Esteban” in Mosaic 31/4, 123-134.

How to Cite
Illanes Ortega, I. (2023). Imagen y narración: las escenas hopperianas de Claude Esteban. Anales de Filología Francesa, 31.