Comparative analysis of two translations of Une femme, by Annie Ernaux


Keywords: Comparative analysis, literary translation, retranslation, Annie Ernaux


This article deals with the study of literary translation and, in particular, the process of retranslation, carrying out a research based on a balance between the theoretical and the empirical. Our work has been done on the basis of the observation of two Spanish translations of Annie Ernaux's Une femme(1987). The first one is carried out by Enrique Sordo (1988) shortly after its publication in France; the second one by Lydia Vázquez in 2020. The aim of which is based on looking for significant changes between these two translations, finding out what they are due to and verifying whether they correctly show the writer's idiolect. We analyze whether the variations may be due to gender issues of the translators, or whether they are due to the deepening of the knowledge that exists today of the French writer's work. We also seek to identify the different translational strategies adopted in the two target texts. 


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How to Cite
Pérez López, P., & Sánchez Hernández, Ángeles . (2022). Comparative analysis of two translations of Une femme, by Annie Ernaux. Anales de Filología Francesa, 30.