La recepción de Robbe-Grillet en España (Iª parte): la década de los cincuenta


  • José María
Keywords: Robbe-Grillet, Juan Petit, José María Castellet, traducción, objetivismo, recepción


Robbe-Grillet’s reception in Spain (part I):

The 1950s


          This work studies the reception of the French novelist Alain Robbe-Grillet in Spain in the 1950s, with particular attention to the translations of his first three novels, which were published in Spanish under the titlesLa doble muerte del profesor Dupont, El mirónand La celosíain the series “Biblioteca Breve” by Seix Barral. Together with the figure of the translator, we study the paratext of the edition covers, which are considered relevant for the creation of a particular image, as well as the context of cultural autarchy at the time.

        The publication of the book by J. M. Castellet La hora del lectorin 1957 and the First International Colloquium of the Novel in Formentor in 1959 are two relevant landmarks for the study of the author’s reception in the Spanish literary landscape.


Keywords: Robbe-Grillet, Juan Petit, José María Castellet, translation, objectivism, reception.


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ROBBE-GRILLET, Alain. 1956. El mirón, traducción de Juan Petit. Barcelona, “Biblioteca Breve”, Seix Barral.

ROBBE-GRILLET, Alain. 1958. La celosía, traducción de Juan Petit. Barcelona, “Biblioteca Breve”, Seix Barral.

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How to Cite
José María. (2022). La recepción de Robbe-Grillet en España (Iª parte): la década de los cincuenta. Anales de Filología Francesa, 30.
Hommage à Robbe-Grillet dans le Centenaire de sa naissance