Mario Robbe-Grillet’s Centennial

Exchanges with Alain Bellatin


Keywords: Interview, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Mario Bellatin, nouveau roman, nouvelle autobiographie


This month of August 2022 we commemorate the hundredth anniversary of Alain Robbe-Grillet’s birth. On this occasion the present article focusses on his reception in Latin America, examining more particularly, though not exclusively, his relationship with Mario Bellatin (Mexico City 1960). It explores the three principal topics that were dealt with during the public dialogue the two writers held on 22 September 2006, in an auditorium of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, in Mexico: (1) science, (2) the nouveau roman and the nouvelle autotobiographie, as well as (3) Robbe-Grillet’s Latin American literary heritage. It also shows how Bellatin reappropriates some of the declarations Robbe-Grillet made that day in “En el ropero del señor Bernard falta el traje que más detesta” (2013), a short story where he pays tribute to his then deceased French counterpart, and assumes in person the latter’s identity.


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How to Cite
Licata, N. (2022). Mario Robbe-Grillet’s Centennial: Exchanges with Alain Bellatin. Anales de Filología Francesa, 30.
Hommage à Robbe-Grillet dans le Centenaire de sa naissance