The reception of Victoria Kent in the French press of the 30’ and 40’: a personality and a work celebrated in the North of the Pyrenees

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  • Maria Isabel Corbí Saez Universidad de Alicante
Keywords: French press, Republican exile women, Republican exile woman writer, Victoria Kent, Quatre ans à Paris (1947)


Our paper, “The reception of Victoria Kent in the French press of the 30’ and 40’: a personality and a work celebrated in the North of the Pyrenees”, presents the results of part of our current research which deals with the study of the reception of the Spanish republican exile women authors in the French cultural and literary fields. In this context, we analyze her presence in the French press of the 30’ and 40’, and we measure its scope, bearing in mind the historical context which characterized Europe in that convulsive and tragic period with the Spanish Civil War which provoked an international interest, then the Second World War and its aftermath. A recognized successful lawyer, feminist and politician, first exiled in France, she is one of those who fought against international fascism. Our article allows us to cover this period until the one following the Liberation and the publication in France of her Quatre ans à Paris (1947), a “Journal of exile under the German occupation”, which did not go unnoticed…


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Author Biography

Maria Isabel Corbí Saez, Universidad de Alicante

Profesora titular de universidad área de Filologia francesa (Universidad de Alicante).


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How to Cite
Corbí Saez, M. I. (2022). The reception of Victoria Kent in the French press of the 30’ and 40’: a personality and a work celebrated in the North of the Pyrenees. Anales de Filología Francesa, 30.