Teaching intercultural skills in the age of Covid 19, E-tandems experience between Hassan 1st University in Morocco and Angers University in France
Supporting Agencies
- Université Hassan 1er
To ensure educational continuity which has been broken by the Coronavirus, Hassan 1 University in Morocco and the University of Angers in France have pooled an E-tandem project for teaching French as a foreign language (FLE). On the Angevin side, the experience will allow students of the FLE didactics to carry out their internship with an audience belonging to different geographic and cultural backgrounds; on the Moroccan side, eighteen students from two different schools belonging to Hassan 1 University have been chosen to live opening moments to develop their linguistic and communicative skills with French natives. The tandems are designed based on the needs of Moroccan students with a thematic program concerted by the educational managers of the two universities. The intercultural dimension will be the foundation of this experience, the main aim of which is to use new technologies to understand the Others as far as their linguistic, cultural and civilizational aspects.
Références bibliographiques
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