For an intercultural dialogue: semantic evolution of the Kärcher brand name in discourse


  • Michela Tonti Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Keywords: Corpus linguistics, brand names, cross-cultural dimension, lexiculture, discourse referent.

Supporting Agencies

  • Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna


The aim of our work is twofold: the exploration of corpora combined with the search for an innovative modality for refining intercultural competence. For this purpose, we use the brand name Kärcher, which for many years has largely departed from its original meaning as a high-pressure water cleaner by acquiring semantic weight and discursive versatility through discourse, as it blends with other semantic-syntactic combinatorics for the linguistic needs of speakers.

In a first step, we will demonstrate that the name Kärcher, which by antonomasia was associated with "scum" at its origins, evolves in discourses and affects other spheres. Namely, native French-speaking writers or not, appropriate the Brand Name Kärcher and transform it as they please by applying it to the most distant domains compared to that of cleanliness in the literal and figurative sense of the term. Finally, interculturality as a "dynamic between" escapes the seemingly fixed side of culture and manifests itself as a dynamic between different domains.


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How to Cite
Tonti, M. (2021). For an intercultural dialogue: semantic evolution of the Kärcher brand name in discourse. Anales de Filología Francesa, 29, 504–519.