Intercultural representataitons in the tourism discours of French travelling blogs: a stereotyped view of Andalusia ?


  • María Loreto Cantón Rodríguez
Keywords: tourisme blog, image, interculturality, Andalousia, travel


The development of tourism discourse on the Internet has changed the way to design and sell the tourist product. In ten years, we have gone from talking about tourism 2.0 to tourism 4.0. This new discourse integrates oral and written discourse to persuade and convince the Internet tourist, who is now both transmitter and receiver of the same product. This new vision of the Other considered from the digital practice of travel blogs will be the subject of this contribution.

Firstly, we will  offer a theoretical overview of this new tourism discourse, which has renewed the way of conceiving the image of a country and its identities, based on the opinion of these blogger-tourists. Our analysis will then focus on the vision of Andalusia drawn daily by these travelers in blogs, to verify whether the image conveyed is misleading, stereotyped or enhances unknown aspects of this region for the potential tourist.


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How to Cite
Cantón Rodríguez, M. L. . (2021). Intercultural representataitons in the tourism discours of French travelling blogs: a stereotyped view of Andalusia ?. Anales de Filología Francesa, 29, 75–97.