A world without borders: e-migration and intern@alization


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.480781
Keywords: Digital gender divide, integration of migrants, interculturality, e-inclusion, e-equality


Globalization, technological innovation and speed changes make the adaption to the new needs of each country necessary. This is conditioned by the mastery of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which makes it possible to push borders back and to interact between countries. Currently, migration in Spain has become a daily phenomenon and achieving the integration of those migrants is a challenge that conditions socio-economic development. This is the reason why, in this study, we are establishing the difference in the digital divide, precisely the gender gap, between Spain and Algeria, analyzing the impact that has this digital divide on the integration of Algerian immigrants in Spain and proposing measures that can improve the inclusion of these people.


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How to Cite
Kerras, H., & De Miguel Gómez, M. D. (2021). A world without borders: e-migration and intern@alization. Anales de Filología Francesa, 29, 355–377. https://doi.org/10.6018/analesff.480781