The gaze of the flâneur


Keywords: Louis Aragon, Flâneur, Paris, Surrealism, Flânerie.


In the work of Louis Aragon, flânerie ­­is not only present in the strolls the French writer took around Paris for pleasure, but also implies a way of locating oneself in the city and in his literature. Approaching the study of the flâneur from Aragon’s poetic and literary oeuvre allows us to wander through the lines of his verses and passages of oneiric prose as though through streets and avenues, to take part in this artistic activity that irrefutably contributed to establishing him as a writer. In the present study, flânerie is therefore shown to be present not only in his Surrealist period, especially in Le paysan de Paris, but that it was a constant factor throughout all his literary work. To demonstrate this, several poems and narrative works by the French author will be analysed in depth, seeking to pin down the presence and influence of the creative gaze of the flâneur on the written text.


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Author Biography

Jordi Luengo López, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla

Facultad de Humanidades

Departamento de Filología y Traducción



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How to Cite
Luengo López, J. (2021). The gaze of the flâneur. Anales de Filología Francesa, 29, 747–767.