Narratological approach to Carmen’s transmodalisation: from the literary narrative to the opera


Keywords: transmodalisation, comparatism, opera, literature, mythification

Supporting Agencies

  • University of Alicante


This article presents a study between the Mérimée’s novel Carmen and its Bizet’s homonym opera from a comparatist perspective, to understand the transmodalisation and mythification process, and also the difference of success between hypotext and hypertext. To that end, it analyses the treatment of the opera’s actants in comparison with the novel’s actants, but it highlights above all the enhancement brought by the transmodalisation.


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How to Cite
Robin, M. (2020). Narratological approach to Carmen’s transmodalisation: from the literary narrative to the opera. Anales de Filología Francesa, 28(1), 555–580.