Antonin Artaud on the Spanish stage (1969-2016)
Supporting Agencies
- Artaud, theatrical representation, reception, avant-garde theatre.
The influence of Artaud's theories in the world of theatre is, today, an indisputable reality. Indeed, Artaud represents the pillar on which the collective groups of independent theatre arisen in the years 60-70 (Living Theater, etc.) rest; the most innovative theories of renowned theater directors such as Jerzy Grotowski or Peter Brook; the postdramatic theatre (the performance, among others) and the new rank granted to the word in the theatrical representation. At present, Artaud is an inescapable reference in the theatrical field: Artaud and The theatre and the plague; Artaud and Theatre of cruelty; theoretical writings collected in Theatre and its double.
This article aims to address the reception of Artaud on the Spanish theatre stage. We are interested in revealing what representations of Artaud have been privileged - the theatre man, the madman, the poet, the sick ... - and examine the incidence of these performances in the dissemination of the work of Antonin Artaud in Spain.
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