The extralinguistic factor in the translation (French-Spanish) of cultural expressions: a sine qua non relation in the translational process
Supporting Agencies
- Université de Lorraine
This work addresses the importance of extra linguistic factors in the field of translation. In particular, we focus on the importance of these factors in the of the translations of a series of expressions obtained from the films L’auberge espagnole and Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au Bon Dieu ?, as done by the students in the grado in Traducción e Interpretación of the University of Malaga and by those of the Alliance Française of Malaga. First, we begin with a heoretical course focused on the importance of cultural knowledge for the translator. Secondly, we present the results of the survey made by the students of the two institutions mentioned above in order to be able to compare the results obtained and confirm what we defend in our work: the importance of the extralinguistic factor in translation. Finally, we finish the work with the conclusions, where we will outline the working approach I would like to follow.
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