Une image romancée de Gyp: Corysande d’Avesnes


  • Ángela Magdalena Romera Pintor
Keywords: Female writers and female figures of French literature, Gyp, Chifon, sentimental novel, autobiographical fiction


This article aims to complete the study of Gyp’s image, ofered in a previous article, in which we analysed the author’s image portrayed in her memoirs, the one depicted by her contemporaries, as well as the one described in the most recent biographies about Gyp. We will now focus on the study of Gyp’s fctional image. We will thus analyse the depiction of Corysande d’Avesnes, the main female character of her novel Le mariage de Chifon (1894), in order to contrast it with the writer’s self-portrayal in her memoirs and unveil the analogies which link this fctional book to the author’s life, paying particular attention to the portrayal of the main feminine character, her language and her critical message towards the society of her time. We will verify that the analogies involve not only the representation of the diferent characters of the novel and their interaction, but also the storyline. Moreover, we will establish to which extent Gyp’s fictional image appears to be more enlightening than her memories.


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How to Cite
Romera Pintor, Ángela M. (2016). Une image romancée de Gyp: Corysande d’Avesnes. Anales de Filología Francesa, 23, 311–333. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/250721