Slogan plurilingue: approche publicitaire centrée sur la réalité de l’adolescent


  • Marine Abraham
Keywords: plurilinguism, advertising headlines, teenager, sociocultural reality


Our goal in this research paper will be to reveal the ways in which current advertising posters manage to interfere with adolescents’ reality and the role of plurilinguism in French advertising headlines intended for teenagers. We will rely our research into the analysis of contemporary posters which respond to the specifcity of our work in order to ofer some theories about the impact of the advertising speech on today’s adolescents and also how teenagers modify advertising speech. Indeed, it’s necessary to highlight the fact that not only does publicity have a certain infuence on the social behaviours but the society itself is also the origin of the changes experienced by the advertising business. After all, the society is responsible for the way the advertisers have to speak to their targets: in this case, teenagers. This paper will take into account various factors such as applied linguistics, semio-linguistics, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics and the study of the discursive schema in advertising.


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How to Cite
Abraham, M. (2016). Slogan plurilingue: approche publicitaire centrée sur la réalité de l’adolescent. Anales de Filología Francesa, 23, 5–19. Retrieved from