El reto de la traducción poética: Versiones en lengua española de dos poemas de Verlaine


  • Tagirem Gallego García
Keywords: poetry translation, French symbolist poetry, Paul Verlaine


This article proposes a reflection on the challenge of translating poetry. After an introduction about different approaches to poetic translation (translation-information, translation-interpretation, translation-allusion, translation-approximation, translation-imitation and translation-recreation, as proposed by Efim Etkind) we will focus on the reception of French symbolist poetry in Spain, through translators-writers, and more specifically in the analysis of different translations of two poems by Paul Verlaine, “Soleils Couchants” and “Chanson d’Automne”. The chosen Spanish versions of both poems are by Manuel Machado, Emilio Carrere, Lluís guarner and Juan Herrero. We will analyze how these have been translated and the conception of poetic translation they reflect.


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How to Cite
Gallego García, T. (2014). El reto de la traducción poética: Versiones en lengua española de dos poemas de Verlaine. Anales de Filología Francesa, 22, 129–142. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/analesff/article/view/217591