De Don Quijote de la Mancha a Don Quijote dans la Manche à travers la nature palimpsestique. À propos de la BD de Leroux et de Douay


  • Claude Duée
Keywords: Don quichotte, transposition, palimpsest, comic, nature


This paper revolves around the transposition of Cervantes’s novel El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha into a different medium such as Leroux and Douay’s comic Don Quichotte dans la Manche. It is around the theme of nature that we will conduct the analysis of this transposition, which does not happen to be an easy one for different reasons. Firstly, because, in addition to the various transformations discussed by F. genette in his work Palimpsestes, the different codes in a novel and in a comic are herein at stake, image being in turn at stake in a comic as well as text. Secondly, as regards nature, Don quichotte is characterised by the images of a northern nature, contrary to the plain description of landscapes in Don quijote. In this sense, we will examine how the comic appropriates nature for carrying out visual games instead of word games.


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How to Cite
Duée, C. (2014). De Don Quijote de la Mancha a Don Quijote dans la Manche à travers la nature palimpsestique. À propos de la BD de Leroux et de Douay. Anales de Filología Francesa, 22, 93–108. Retrieved from