De la cruel voluntad del destino y la libertad humana. Algunas visiones de la tragedia clásica en el teatro francés de la primera mitad del siglo XX


  • Jordi Luengo López
Keywords: Classical tragedy, French theatre, freedom, destiny, mythology


From the 1930s until the end of the 1950s, various authors turned to the classics to enrich French drama. Jean Giraudoux, Jean-Paul Sartre, André Gide, Albert Camus or Jean Ray, among others, sought to reproduce the rules of classical tragedy, with the aim of reinterpreting them according to their current reality. The pressing need to discover the uncertain process of all existence, returning to find sustenance in mythology and through that, bringing back to life the ancient Olympian gods, all became the most effective way to strengthen human freedom against the cruel adversity that fate holds for humanity. This cathartic spell unquestionably helped them to better understand the irrational brutality of the Second World War.


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How to Cite
Luengo López, J. (2013). De la cruel voluntad del destino y la libertad humana. Algunas visiones de la tragedia clásica en el teatro francés de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Anales de Filología Francesa, 21, 201–223. Retrieved from