Besoins linguistiques et méthodologiques en FOS dans le cadre d’un dispositif de préparation à la mobilité universitaire internationale


  • Cécile Vilvandre De Sousa
Keywords: didactics, International mobility, French for Specific Purposes


This paper examines various learning devices that can be created to help non native speakers of French Students to understand better theirs studies in France. In spite of the diversity of the profiles of those students, it is allowed that they mainly need a methodological assistance on two levels: one in their scientific discipline, the other is crossdisciplinary, fulfilling the requirements of French university work in general. The discussion covers the “class” as a communicative event, and the concept of autonomy in order to provide initial answers to this question. The author also aims to present some points and principles that seem important to take into account, giving examples from didactic units elaborated in an international mobility context.


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How to Cite
Vilvandre De Sousa, C. (2011). Besoins linguistiques et méthodologiques en FOS dans le cadre d’un dispositif de préparation à la mobilité universitaire internationale. Anales de Filología Francesa, 19, 303–324. Retrieved from