Apprentissage de techniques de rédaction en cours de traduction publicitaire: approche didactique et proposition de séquences pédagogiques


  • Caroline Larminaux
Keywords: language teaching, translation, advertising discourse, ads


This paper will start with an analysis of the students’ needs in the translation of advertising class; then, a course planning will be drawn, starting from the observation of a corpus of adverts from transnational companies in both French and Spanish versions. The theoretical basis of the different activities is based on the following hypothesis: learning how to translate specialized texts (from the advertising discourse, in this case) relies on a first step of assimilating the linguistical and sociocultural patterns which characterize this text genre in both languages. For this purpose, the observation of a parallel corpus of French and Spanish ads will lead the students to various activities in the advertising redaction field, in order to facilitate the translation process.


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How to Cite
Larminaux, C. (2011). Apprentissage de techniques de rédaction en cours de traduction publicitaire: approche didactique et proposition de séquences pédagogiques. Anales de Filología Francesa, 19, 133–150. Retrieved from