La traducción de textos especializados: análisis traductológico del término "bail" y del término "contrat"


  • Natalia Campos Martín
Keywords: translation, textual typology, economic text, terminology, bail


When talking about shortcomings in the application of a hermeneutic approach to the translation of texts (Campos Plaza & Ortega Arjonilla, 2005: 302), the need to formulate a textual typology through which to systematize the different problems the specialized translator has to face is usually highlighted. We outline in this paper the problem generated in the translation of specialized texts taking into consideration the key element of terminology/concept, which can guarantee, depending on the degree of achievement in the search for equivalents, the success or failure of the translation. The main objectives of this paper are: to define this system; to study this language from varied points of view; to relate the notional and pragmatic structure of the term “bail”, and to point out and discuss its differences.


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How to Cite
Campos Martín, N. (2011). La traducción de textos especializados: análisis traductológico del término "bail" y del término "contrat". Anales de Filología Francesa, 19, 41–61. Retrieved from