La Webquest: una actividad convincente para la enseñanza-aprendizaje del francés turístico


  • Severina Álvarez González
Keywords: French for tourism, ICT, learning-teaching, Webquest, student


New Technologies have become a powerful ally to train our students to become not only competent professionals but also to cope within any professional scope. ICTs allow to provide a context for the learning-teaching of French for tourism as these tools provide us with access to authentic materials in real time (transport timetables, leaflets, tourist promotions...). Several activities directly connected with the tourism scope can also be developed from this virtual resource. The Webquest is among the varied tasks provided by the Net.

The Webquest is a very productive guided learning structure for our classroom, as it provides not only a direct approach to the professional tourism scope but also stimulates cooperative work.


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How to Cite
Álvarez González, S. (2011). La Webquest: una actividad convincente para la enseñanza-aprendizaje del francés turístico. Anales de Filología Francesa, 19, 7–24. Retrieved from