La polisemia y la (no)sinonimia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del lenguaje jurídico


  • Tanagua Barceló Martínez
Keywords: specialized languages, legal language, synonymy, polysemy, collaborative learning


Synonymy and polysemy are two linguistic phenomena which are present in almost all languages, and which are, depending on the cases, a clear sign of the lexical richness of each language community. Besides, they are linguistic figures linked to concepts such as diastratic or diaphasic variation or euphemisms, among others. Specialized languages are not an exception and, far from transmitting the univocity that is usually attributed to them, they are characterized by a more than representative presence of both phenomena. In this paper we aim to prove this statement through the analysis of some terms and we shall also set out the difficulties that synonymy and polysemy pose in the teaching of legal translation.


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How to Cite
Barceló Martínez, T. (2010). La polisemia y la (no)sinonimia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del lenguaje jurídico. Anales de Filología Francesa, 18, 29–44. Retrieved from