Inclusive and non-sexist language

Anales de Documentación recommends that published articles use inclusive and non-sexist language that promotes gender equality in science, as promoted by the agenda of the European Research Area (ERA: period 2022-2024, with action no. 5: "Promote gender equality and foster inclusion").

In our journal we understand that not all texts are equally viable for adapting certain linguistic formulas to the requirements of an egalitarian language. We are also aware that the promotion of equality goes far beyond purely morphological aspects. However, we assume, as stated in the 'Guía para un lenguaje no sexista de la lengua (UAM, 2019)' that language has sufficient resources and mechanisms to express what we want to tell, so that "whoever produces the message can choose between some forms or others to express themselves in an inclusive and non-sexist way, so that language is an instrument for change" (p. 9).

In our journal, we believe that a small effort when writing the text of the articles will end up representing a great advance for society. Scientific communication cannot remain on the sidelines of the changes occurring in the society that sustains it.