
Anales de Documentación is indexed in:

Citation indexes and metrics

Emerging Sources Citation Index

OCI 2022

Scopus (2013-2020)*

Dialnet Métricas 

Dialnet métricas

Ranking FECYT 


Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA)

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)

Evaluation systems


Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)


LATINDEX (Catálogo - 33 criterios)

Sello de calidad FECYT (desde 2014)




AdD en Google Scholar Citation


AdD en Rebiun

* The main reason given by SCOPUS to stop indexing our journal is literally as follows: "While the journal is open to receiving articles in English, it tends to receive articles mostly in Spanish and Portuguese. This is not surprising considering that its editorial structures as well as author contributions are dominated by membership/contribution from Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries of the world, especially Spain where the university which publishes the journal is based. While it is recognized that article titles, abstracts and keywords are provided in English to widen international scope, the journal content itself should embrace more global and current trends in library and information science rather than country-focused features in this field".

With all due respect for this decision and, while recognising the quality and importance of this database, the Editorial Board of this journal disagrees with this assessment and commercial strategy, as it represents a disregard for the Spanish and Portuguese languages, which are used in all continents of the world and whose relevance in the processes of scientific communication is beyond doubt in all spheres.