
Keywords: Open science, interconnected science, scientific revolution, science 2.0, e-science, open access, research data, European Comission, research

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  • Plan Estatal I D


Open science represents a paradigm shift in the way science is conducted that involves performing all stages of scientific research (design, data collection, review, publication, etc.) with an “open” vision. Our aim is to analyze the evolution of the denomination and the concept of open science from its beginnings (e-science, interconnected science, science 2.0, open science). We also want to determine which are the fundamental elements that make up open science. This is a theoretical research based on the selection and analysis of the most important conceptual documents about open science, which have been found in the Scopus and GoogleScholar databases. As a result, it is shown that the denominations have undergone more variations than the concept itself. Regarding the components, open science started with four basic elements (open access, open data, open software, reproducibility) that have been extended to the eight that are considered in the model proposed by OSPP recommendations.


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How to Cite
Abadal, E., & Anglada, L. . (2020). OPEN SCIENCE: EVOLUTION OF THE NAME AND THE CONCEPT. Information Science Journal, 23(1).

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