
Keywords: Bibliometric, Bradford's law, dispersion of scientific literature, open government, scientific journals, Web of Science


The objective of this study was to analyze the scientific production of the term Open Government in the Web of Science database from 2010 to 2016, using as search filter the titles of articles in all languages, considering the distribution of international intellectual productions. The research retrieved the most relevant journals in the area of applied social sciences, observing the impact of these journals to this area of knowledge. The research has a quantitative character, as it was analyzed the scientific production with online access of the Web of Science database covering a total of 3,165 documents. One of the main laws of bibliometrics was applied, Bradford's law for this analysis. If you used a spreadsheet tool for mining analysis, tabulation and data processing. The work reveals non-linearity in publications over the years recording a significant increase in production in an international context. It is concluded that the term Open Government has quality in scientific productions according to the core of the law of Bradford demonstrated in that study, however, the term is still gaining space in scientific publications nowadays in a society in transformation.


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Author Biographies

Marcio Sembay, Centro Universitário UNIFACVEST

Docente en el Centro Universitário UNIFACVEST; Doctorando del PGCIN/UFSC

Adilson Luiz Pinto, Universidad Carlos III

Doutor em Documentação pela Universidad Carlos III de Madrid e professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (PGCIN/UFSC)

Douglas Dyllon Jeronimo de Macedo, PGCIN/UFSC

Docente del PGCIN/UFSC

José Antonio Moreiro-González, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Docente del Departamento en Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


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How to Cite
Sembay, M., Luiz Pinto, A., de Macedo, D. D. J., & Moreiro-González, J. A. (2020). APPLICATION OF THE BRADFORD LAW TO RESEARCH RELATED TO OPEN GOVERNMENT. Information Science Journal, 23(1).
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