
Keywords: Photographic documentation, photography, history of photography, methodology of the study, photographic supports


Ever since the carte de visite was invented by Disdéri in 1854 up until the decade of the thirties of the 20th century, photographs were mounted on supports, intended to be informative and attractive. The information contained on the back of these supports provides an exceptional and valuable source of data from the historic, creative, industrial and promotional points of view. From the analysis of the form and the content of the supports (presentation, texts and illustrations), references are obtained on the design, format, author, location, work procedures, characteristics of the galleries, specialties and other interesting data. The purpose of this article is to draw up a methodology for analyzing the information available on the back of the photographs’ supports, in order to obtain useful data. A standardized file is presented, resulting from the application of the model, made up of six chapters and twenty-one sections, which make it possible to gather information from the analysis.


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Author Biography

Juan Miguel Miguel Sánchez Vigil, Universidad Complutense

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación


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How to Cite
Sánchez Vigil, J. M. M. (2018). METHODOLOGY FOR ANALYZING PHOTOGRAPHY FROM THE INFORMATION ON THE BACK. Information Science Journal, 21(2).