In the current context, in which universities and their faculty must adapt their roll to legislative requirements linked to increased research, libraries play a crucial role in responding to this demand, reinforcing the provision of specific services to support Researchers. It is in this sense that the present article aims to provide an overview of which are the research support services provided by the libraries linked to REBIUN. With this intention, a survey was conducted among libraries’s directors of these universities, and those results are offered in this paper. Thus, this article presents and analyzes the data collected, with a special focus on services focused on training, counseling and helping to disseminate the results of researchers. Regarding to principal findings, there is a global behavior among libraries in issues related to use and training on information resources. But there is a huge difference between libraries when the services to be offered are related to the integration of library services into researchers’s team. This, perhaps, is due to the structure of the university where the library is acting.Downloads
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