Supporting Agencies
- This work is part of a Research Project within the research line ¨Tourism and Sustainable Development¨, corresponding to the Doctorate Programme in ¨Tourism, economics and management¨. Attached to the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, and to the Department of Applied Economic Analysis of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
In this paper, we start from the hypothesis that the success of La Gomera as a tourist destination is based on the harmony between its "particular" tourist demand and the attributes and resources of the destination. To comfirm this, we carry out, on the one hand, the analysis of the characteristics of the tourist demand of the island and, on the other, its relationship with the attributes and resources of the destination. With this information, we estimate, through the level of satisfaction obtained with the trip, a statistical model that allows us to quantify and explain this relationship between demand and supply. A model that can help make decisions that, in favor of sustainability, prevent, avoid or mitigate all kinds of negative impacts and externalities that the tourist activity itself causes on the demand and the resources of the destination.
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