
Keywords: Pro-environmental behavior; Environmental attitudes; Environmental values; environmental knowledge; Iranian ecotourist; structural equation model

Supporting Agencies

  • The research was funded by the project: Adaptation strategies and alternatives from inland tourism destinations in times of change (ADAPTATUR) (PID2020-114186RB-C22), Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain.


This study investigates the effects of environmental attitudes on pro-environmental behavior. A conceptual model examines the structural relations among environmental attitude, concern, value and knowledge towards pro environmental behavior of ecotourist. 439 Iranian ecotourists from Mashhad mountains were randomly surveyed. This study uses the structural equation model (SEM) to evaluate the factor that influence the pro-environmental behaviors. Results shows that pro-environmental concern, anthropocentric and ecocentric environmental attitude has a significant  influence on pro-environmental behavior.


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How to Cite
Motamedi-Barabadi, S., Almeida-García, F., & Cortés-Macías, R. (2023). INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES IN IRANIAN ECOTOURIST BEHAVIOUR. Cuadernos de Turismo, (52), 285–318.