
Keywords: Regional Analysis, “Water Footprint”, Tourism Resources

Supporting Agencies

  • La presente investigación se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación SANTANDER-UCM (2018). PR75/18-21573.


Throughout this research, it seems essential to approach, from the perspective of tourism resources, indicators such as the “Water Footprint” whose territorial and regional projection facilitate the analysis and interpretation of inter- and intra-regional realities, whose valuation favors the study and interpretation of the existing differences, in the all spatial scales, approaching what the concept of sustainability entails, contributing to the subsequent decision-making, the basis for the valuation and use of tourist resources (in this way, its incorporation into the general theory of economic development is facilitated based on the verification of the centrality that these issues have acquired in the current approaches to territorial and regional development). In fact, from the scope of the so-called postmodernity that announces the end of the territory and the “no/place” also includes the denial of the idea of region, at a time when no subspace on the planet can be freed from the joint process of globalization and fragmentation, that is, individualization and regionalization (phenomena that mark spatial differences and imbalances, as shown in this article, a matter of notable importance when dealing with the “Water Footprint” in its relationship with resources and tourist activities).


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How to Cite
Sotelo Pérez, I., Sotelo Pérez, M., & Sotelo Navalpotro, J. A. . (2023). BASES FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING OF TOURISM RESOURCES: THE REGIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE SPANISH “WATER FOOTPRINT”. Cuadernos de Turismo, (51), 349–383.