
Keywords: bullfights; satisfaction; motivation; residents; tourists; comparative analysis


This article analyses the link between bullfighting and tourism, and the motivations and satisfaction of the attendees. It carries out a comparative analysis of tourist profiles and their motives for attending or not a bullfight. The aim is to analyse the variables influencing the satisfaction of attendees at bullfights. The results reveal significant differences between residents and tourists on the level of satisfaction, with higher levels for higher-income attendees, and in demographic variables, the motivation for attending bullfights and feelings about the life of the animal.


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How to Cite
Cerezo López, J. M. ., Castillo Canalejo, A. M., & Mora Márquez, C. (2022). PERCEPTION OF AND MOTIVATION FOR ATTENDING BULLFIGHTS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TOURISTS AND RESIDENTS . Cuadernos de Turismo, (50), 333–353.