House museums are spaces whose brand works as a promise to the visitor, showing the most intimate-affective part of the daily life of a relevant character. For this reason, it is necessary to manage the brand identity in such a way that the institution disseminates its mission through the most relevant aspects, such as architecture. This study focuses on the author's house museums in Galicia, using a qualitative methodology based on in-depth interviews, with the aim of analysing how these spaces manage their brand identity through architecture. A total of sixteen house museums were interviewed, which represents 100% of the author’s house museums open at that moment. The results show that architecture is seen as part of the core product, forming a fundamental axis within the brand identity of the institution. However, it seems that there is still no widespread trend in establishing branding strategies that emphasise the architecture-artist and architecture-territory link. This study aims to invite reflection on the importance of brand identity management in museums, specifically in-house museums, in order to serve as a guide for museum managers.
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