
Keywords: Tourism in rural areas; communitarianism; power relations; territorial appropriation


This exploratory research integrates qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Through a multi-sited case study, the incidence of empowerment of local actors in the community management of rural tourism was analyzed in tourism projects in central Mexico. The results show that the agency capacity of the social actors is limited in terms of empowerment as a tool for tourism management since the concentration of power falls on the leaders of the agrarian nuclei, frequently disconnected from the tourist activity. This research contributes to the discussion on empowerment as a tool for rural development in the context of post-industrial consumer societies.


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How to Cite
González Domínguez, I. ., Pastor Alfonso, M. J. ., Delgado Cruz, A., & Thomé Ortíz, H. (2022). RURAL COMMUNITY-BASED TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN CENTRAL MEXICO: A VIEW FROM THE EMPOWERMENT THEORY. Cuadernos de Turismo, (50), 71–96.

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