
Keywords: Non-motorised routes, rail trails, cycle tourism, strategic planning, logical framework approach, Andalusia (Spain)


Rail trails are non-motorised routes resulting from the conversion of disused railway lines, geared towards cycle tourism and other leisure activities. This paper seeks to highlight the potentialities and shortcomings of rail trails in Andalusia. A diagnosis is made through a SWOT matrix, with information from the management bodies and a coherent planning is applied. The results enable proposals intended to remedy the shortcomings detected and create an effective rail trail network in Andalusia, managed in a coordinated fashion and internationally comparable with regard to public usage.


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How to Cite
González Relaño, R., Ventura Fernández, J., & Contreras Cabrera, G. (2021). CYCLE TOURISM IN RURAL AREAS: PROMOTING A RAIL TRAIL NETWORK IN ANDALUSIA, SPAIN. Cuadernos de Turismo, (48), 209–241.