
Keywords: loyalty, dinescape, gastronomic experience, restaurant sector, gastronomic tourism, COVID-19


Customer loyalty according to maîtres in the restaurant sector is analysed from a sociological perspective; considering individual, social and environmental variables, including the Covid-19 pandemic. Sixty-eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of maîtres from restaurants in Zaragoza (Spain). After the analysis, the determinants of loyalty are identified, discovering that the experience is marked by a global perception (dinescape) that will prescribe the future behaviour of the diner and/or gastronomic tourist.


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How to Cite
Sanagustín Fons, M. V. ., Puyuelo Arilla, J. M. ., & Martínez Quintana, V. (2021). CUSTOMER LOYALTY ACCORDING TO MAÎTRES IN THE CATERING: SOCIOLOGICAL ANALISYS OF THE DINESCAPE EXPERIENCE BEFORE AND DURING COVID-19. Cuadernos de Turismo, (48), 1–24.