
Keywords: Control system; sustainable management; sustainable tourism; heritage sites.


The requirement of a sustainable management of the historical heritage sites demands the design of management control models that contemplate the particularities of those sites, beyond the architectural ones. The goal of this paper is the design of a holistic, contingent and integrator model to be used by the public and/or private managers for the sustainable management. To achieve this, a thorough bibliographic review of the specialized literature has been carried out. This model does not pretend to be universal but rather a point of reference for its adaptation to the particularities of each site.


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How to Cite
Fresneda Fuentes, S., de Fuentes Ruíz, P., & Lobo Gallardo, A. (2020). SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES: A MODEL SUGGESTION. Cuadernos de Turismo, (46), 163–184.