
Keywords: Pricing; online distribution channels; channel management; booking horizon; revenue management; hotel.


This work focuses on the study of prices offered through an online distribution channel ( on a concrete tourism destination. Hotels were selected by a stratified simple random sampling method with proportional allocation. Research is done over an extensive dataset (1,353,751 of records, big data). The advance booking period considered covers approximately a whole year, and this represents a great novelty with respect to previous studies. Average prices are calculated from the values ordinarily published by hotels on this type of channels, which allows providing the outline of the operational management of prices implemented on the destination, through the online distribution and from the supply perspective.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Lozano, G., Nobre Pereira, L., & Chávez-Miranda, E. (2020). STUDY OF HOTEL PRICES IN ADVANCE THROUGH A MAJOR ONLINE DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL. Cuadernos de Turismo, (46), 145–162.