
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/turismo.451661
Keywords: Online marketing; web pages; content analysis; information orientation; communication orientation; transactional orientation; internal integration; external integration; wineries; Aragón (Spain).


Websites are a tool for wineries to achieve their business objectives more easily. It is analysed whether the wineries use this tool and, if so, the role it plays in their marketing strategy is investigated, taking into account the guidelines established in the literature. There is a high rate of websites, but content analysis shows that the most basic orientation (providing information) is predominant; followed by interactive communication, with transactional orientation showing little presence.


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How to Cite
Marzo-Navarro, M., & Pedraja-Iglesias, M. (2020). WEB PAGES AS A MARKETING TOOL: CONTENT ANALYSIS RELATED TO ARAGONESE WINERIES. Cuadernos de Turismo, (46), 113–143. https://doi.org/10.6018/turismo.451661