
Keywords: social networks; hotels; web pages; tourism 2.0.


Social network management has become a key factor in developing tourism. Content generated on social networks can influence tourist choices, online reputation, sales and the very survival of the hotel establishment.

In a study of 503 four- and five-star hotels in Andalusia, we analysed all the social networks used on their official websites to attract customers, and the potential factors (number of stars, modality, age of the establishment, size, chain hotel or otherwise) that could influence the number of visits and choice of destination.


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How to Cite
Rabadán-Martín, I., Padilla-Garrido, N., & Aguado-Correa, F. (2020). VARIABLES RELATING TO THE NUMBER AND THE CHOICE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS AMONG FOUR AND FIVE-STAR ANDALUSIAN HOTELS. Cuadernos de Turismo, (46), 93–111.